Sustainability is in our roots
Sustainability is in our roots

Sustainability is in our roots. With Swedish thinking as our foundation, we constantly honor Swedes' connection to nature in all our innovations. This legacy has shaped our mission to provide appliances that combine convenience and compassion for the world around us because we are all neighbors in the home we share.

Why sustainability matters

In modern living, we learn to consume without a second thought. While we embrace convenience, we forget how our lifestyles impact the world around us. Sustainability challenges us to rethink the way we live — by adopting a sustainable lifestyle, we live with more compassion towards our natural resources.

Change starts at home

At Electrolux, we implement thoughtful design in our innovations to make sustainability every household’s first choice. By pioneering appliances that consume less water and energy and minimise waste, we empower homes across the globe to actively reduce their environmental impact.

Our mission for better living

Currently, household consumption accounts for about 65% of total greenhouse gas emissions around the world. As we provide our appliances to homes around the world, we aim to gradually reduce this number — inspiring collective action that adds up to a better future.

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